创想云-丰富、便捷、有趣的一体化3D打印平台 创想云-丰富、便捷、有趣的一体化3D打印平台

Up to Get $920 Per Month

Get rewarded for your 3D designs!
Upload to Creality Cloud and earn cash prizes when your uploads reach a certain amount.
The Number of 3D Model Uploads (S)
Rewards (US Dollars)
400 > S ≥ 300
300 > S ≥ 200
200 > S ≥ 100
100 > S ≥ 70
70 > S ≥ 40
40 > S ≥ 20
20 > S ≥ 10
The Number of Sales Orders (X)
Rewards (US Dollars)
X ≥ 200
200 > X ≥ 100
100 > X ≥ 80
80 > X ≥ 60
60 > X ≥ 40
40 > X ≥ 20
20 > X ≥ 10
Get extra bonus from your sales of artwork. The more you sell, the more bonus you get.
About Creality Cloud
Creality Cloud is the world's first all-in-one 3D printing platform created by Creality that offers 3D model trading, cloud slicing, remote control printers and many more features to make 3D printing easier and smarter for over a million makers.