Creality Cloud - A diverse, convenient, interesting all-in-one 3D printing platform Creality Cloud - A diverse, convenient, interesting all-in-one 3D printing platform
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The CT-400D is an industrial-grade dual-nozzle 3D printer that offers exceptional performance and reliability. With its integrated Wi-Fi wireless printing and 7-inch high-definition touch color screen, this printer is easy to use and delivers outstanding results every time.

The CT-400D is an industrial-grade dual-nozzle 3D printer that offers exceptional performance and reliability. With its integrated Wi-Fi wireless printing and 7-inch high-definition touch color screen, this printer is easy to use and delivers outstanding results every time.

Dual Nozzles

Filament Detection Sensor

Resume Printing

Auto leveling

Product Manual: CT-400D

With built-in Wi-Fi. Remote control with the [Creality Cloud App feature Workbench] .

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