Creality Cloud - O platformă diversă, convenabilă, interesantă de imprimare 3D all-in-one Creality Cloud - O platformă diversă, convenabilă, interesantă de imprimare 3D all-in-one
  Banc de lucru
Aplicația Creality Cloud

Cel mai bunDesigneri 3D

Întâlnește cei mai buni designeri 3D pe Creality Cloud.

Ultima activitate:
「 Hangic」 purchased the 3D model 《达菲和他的朋友们》 just now
「 💪🏿」 purchased the 3D model 《手机支架四轴旋转折叠手机架平板架》 just now
「 幸运字符(异仁系列)」 purchased the 3D model 《棒棒糖-1》 lately
「 幸运字符(异仁系列)」 purchased the 3D model 《自行车-车轮-1》 lately
「 Hangic」 purchased the 3D model 《K1MAX后背风管转接器》 lately
「 用户6826577773」 purchased the 3D model 《奥运五环》 lately
「 8546」 purchased the 3D model 《小卡扣》 lately
「 一只螃蟹」 purchased the 3D model 《棒棒糖-1》 lately
「 8546」 purchased the 3D model 《水平切口辅助器》 lately
「 左右的玩具」 purchased the 3D model 《练习草图之一59》 lately
「 左右的玩具」 purchased the 3D model 《练习草图一58》 lately
「 左右的玩具」 purchased the 3D model 《练习草图一57》 lately
「 左右的玩具」 purchased the 3D model 《练习草图一54》 lately
「 左右的玩具」 purchased the 3D model 《练习草图一50》 lately
「 左右的玩具」 purchased the 3D model 《练习草图一47》 lately
「 左右的玩具」 purchased the 3D model 《练习草图之一(17)》 lately
「 左右的玩具」 purchased the 3D model 《练习草图之一(16)》 lately
「 左右的玩具」 purchased the 3D model 《练习草图之一(10)》 lately
「 左右的玩具」 purchased the 3D model 《练习草图之一(9)》 lately
「 用户8410866935」 purchased the 3D model 《生日蛋糕》 lately
「 不瘦有肉」 purchased the 3D model 《纸飞机》 lately
「 用户3740947501」 purchased the 3D model 《熊猫推雪球》 lately
「 越越女王」 purchased the 3D model 《网红_萝卜刀》 lately
「 8546」 purchased the 3D model 《7.62*39mm子弹》 lately
「 用户5012450537」 purchased the 3D model 《平安喜乐》 lately
「 用户5012450537」 purchased the 3D model 《锦鲤附体》 lately
「 爱玩mc的宝可梦迷」 purchased the 3D model 《成龙历险记12生肖符咒》 lately
「 用户5012450537」 purchased the 3D model 《直跳刀/直跳梳子/直跳剑》 lately
「 8546」 purchased the 3D model 《临时停车牌》 lately
「 用户5413541546」 purchased the 3D model 《金铲铲》 lately
「 爱玩的安恩恩」 purchased the 3D model 《单炮战车》 lately
「 爱玩的安恩恩」 purchased the 3D model 《练习草图之一52》 lately
「 用户8729832989」 purchased the 3D model 《K1MAX增高架 带抽屉 mod by blv》 lately
「 馒头不胖」 purchased the 3D model 《霸王龙》 lately
「 用户3596787200」 purchased the 3D model 《户外EDC高频求生哨子(一体打印不需要支撑)》 lately
「 再遇见」 purchased the 3D model 《中指鸡》 lately
「 用户8742293981」 purchased the 3D model 《嫦娥六号探测器模型 嫦娥六号月球探测任务》 lately
「 三层糯米饭」 purchased the 3D model 《短剑》 lately
「 左右的玩具」 purchased the 3D model 《练习草图之一(8)》 lately
「 左右的玩具」 purchased the 3D model 《练习草图之一(7)》 lately
「 左右的玩具」 purchased the 3D model 《练习草图之一(6)》 lately
「 左右的玩具」 purchased the 3D model 《练习草图之一(5)》 lately
「 左右的玩具」 purchased the 3D model 《练习草图之一(4)》 lately
「 不瘦有肉」 purchased the 3D model 《K1C,K1 增高架带抽屉》 lately
「 用户3596787200」 purchased the 3D model 《花洒支架》 lately
「 一只螃蟹」 purchased the 3D model 《女巫帽》 lately
「 一只螃蟹」 purchased the 3D model 《扣子2》 lately
「 一只螃蟹」 purchased the 3D model 《DJIF450通用桨螺母》 lately
「 一只螃蟹」 purchased the 3D model 《DJIF450通用桨座》 lately
「 一只螃蟹」 purchased the 3D model 《DJIF450通用电机外壳模型》 lately

Cei mai populari designeri 3D

Descoperă cei mai buni designeri cu STL-uri prezentate.

Industrial designer Pre-supported STL Flexible designs
23 Modele
735 Descărcări
57.6K Vizualizări
306 Urmăritori
Characters Flexible designs
8 Modele
6K Descărcări
112.6K Vizualizări
830 Urmăritori
34 Modele
245 Descărcări
46.5K Vizualizări
115 Urmăritori
3D sculptor Decades of experience ZBrush
20 Modele
46 Descărcări
25.8K Vizualizări
207 Urmăritori
45 Modele
206 Descărcări
146.4K Vizualizări
256 Urmăritori
303 Modele
4.2K Descărcări
752.1K Vizualizări
754 Urmăritori

Designeri 3D care urcă în top

Flexible designs Pre-supported STL Industrial designer
Household objects Industrial designer Miniatures
Household objects Flexible designs Fusion 360
Fusion 360 Household objects
Blender 3D sculptor Characters
Characters Miniatures 3D sculptor
ZBrush Maya Characters
Flexible designs Miniatures Blender
Miniatures Pre-supported STL War games
Household objects Board games 3ds Max
Household objects

Toți designerii



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Programul de parteneriat pentru designeri

Crește-ți cariera de model. Colaborează cu Creality Cloud pentru a răspândi vestea și pentru a-ți monetiza modelele.

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